Training and grading duration 24-26 weeks, 1 hour class per week.
recommended time period for beginner levels Grade-1
2) Fitness and Flexibility
- 10 x Running on the spot
- 10 x Star jumps
- 10 x High knee drills
- 10 x Bodyweight Squat
- 10 x Sit-ups
- 10 x Push-ups
3) Stances Techniques
- Deep stance footwork techniques 2.5 shoulder’s widths 50%-50%
- Sitting stance footwork techniques 2.5 shoulder’s widths 50%-50%
- Fighting stance footwork techniques 1.0 shoulder’s widths 50%-50%
4) Kicking Technique
- 5x Outward Stretch KickL/R
- 5x Inward Stretch KickL/R
- 5x Front Snap KickL/R
- 5x Middle Turning Kick L/R
5) Punching Technique
- Sitting Stance punching techniques 6x Single, 3x Double, 3x Triple
- 10x L-jab /10x R-jab drills…………… Plus Pad-work drillsL/R
- 10x R-cross /10x L-cross drills …….. Plus Pad-work drills L/R
- 10x L-hook /10x R-hook drills ……… Plus Pad-work drillsL/R
- 10x L-jab/R-cross combination drillsPlus Pad-work drills L/R
- 10x L-jab/R-cross /L-hook combination drillsL/R
6) Kickboxing Combination
- 5x L-jab/R-cross Plus Outward Crescent Kick L/R
- 5x R-cross/L-jab plus Inward Crescent Kick L/R
- 5x L-jab/R-cross/L-Hooks Plus Middle Turning KickL/R
7) Offensive/Defensive skills
- 6X Attacker Jab PG /Defender counter-Jab PG/Attacker elbows face cover
- 6X Attacker Cross PG /Defender counter- Cross PG /Attacker elbows face cover
- 6X Attacker Hook PG /Defender counter- Cross PG /Attacker elbows face cover
8) Foot-Work Training
- 5x Single Change (Fighting Stance)
- 5x Double Changes (Fighting Stance)
- 5x Triple Change (Fighting Stance)
9) Pad-Work Training
- Kicking and Punching Pad-work Drill
All combinations of the Above technique) Chosen by examiner
10) MMA Self-defence
- Kicking and Punching Pad-work Drill
All combinations of the Above technique) Chosen by examiner
11) Nuncha-Ku Techniques
- Single motion Perform on the spot.
- Low-Section Block!! Performed on the spot 50%-50% Weight distributionL/R
- Outside-Block!! Performed on the spot 50%-50% Weight distribution L/R
- High-Block!! Performed on the spot 50%-50% Weight distribution L/R
12) Breaking Boards
- Single motion Perform on the spot.
- Low-Section Block!! Performed on the spot 50%-50% Weight distributionL/R
- Outside-Block!! Performed on the spot 50%-50% Weight distribution L/R
- High-Block!! Performed on the spot 50%-50% Weight distribution L/