Code of Conduct


The rules of the academy are made to ensure that you as a member have a safe training environment as well as a good atmosphere to train in. It is essential that everyone obeys, and also supervises the adherence to these rules. Martial Art discipline is not only beneficial in the practice of the art but also in ones daily life. In traditional classes all instructors are to be called ‘Sir’ or ‘Ustad’ at all times. In sport classes all instructors are to be called ‘Coach’ at all times.

  • There is to be no swearing at any time or anywhere by any MMA representative whilst representing the club (including instructors and parents).
  • All Maiwand Martial Arts members should not talk, be disruptive, or interrupt class while an Instructor is teaching. Show respect when entering and leaving the class at all times.
  • All Maiwand Martial Arts members must wear a full uniform in all classes unless otherwise stated by an Instructor.
  • In classes nails must be cut short to avoid lacerations, uniforms must be clean.
  • At events all Maiwand Martial Arts representatives must support every member of the team at all times when they compete.
  • At outside events all parents must supervise their children at all times unless they are being supervised by another parent or Instructor.
  • All Maiwand Martial Arts club representatives are to be treated with respect at all times.
  • All license and training fees must be paid on time. Unlicensed members cannot and will not be allowed to train, grade or compete in line with national governing body guidelines.
  • No form of bullying (emotional, physical) will be tolerated at any time by Maiwand Martial Arts representatives. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a two week ban.
  • If a member is to be absent from training for any length of time then they are expected to inform the instructors either personally or through another member.
  • If you need to use the bathroom during class please ask the Instructor for permission. Do not just leave the class
  • Every effort must be made to arrive at class on time prior to commencement of your class.
  • All Maiwand Martial Arts students must Show respect for their belt. Never allow your belt to touch the floor unless it is on your body.
  • All Maiwand Martial Arts students must ask for an adult’s permission before practicing MMA weapons at outside the house.
  • All equipment must be brought to classes at all times unless otherwise instructed.
  • All Maiwand Martial Arts students must Listen, respect, and never talk back to or argue with your instructors, higher ranking students, or adult students.

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