While any knife can be used in a knife fight, there are fighting knives specifically designed for the purpose of blade combat. Generally speaking, fighting knives have balanced stout blades designed for both slashing and stabbing movements and they are ergonomically designed to provide comfortable and stable knife grips. Keep in mind that a fighting knife is different that a tactical knife.
Knife Fighting should not be confused with knife defense (which means your adversary is armed with a knife and you are unarmed). These are two completely different self defense scenarios that require much different combat skill sets.
Here are a few important points to consider when purchasing a knife for blade combat.
- Make certain your fighting knife fits comfortably in both your right and left hand.
- Choose a fighting knife that is designed for both slashing as well as stabbing movements.
- Avoid all combat knives with finger grooves as they will limit your grip when fighting.
Knife Attack Techniques
There are three main types of attack with a knife:
Slashes – the edge of the blade slices the target. The larger the surface and the longer the time in contact, the larger the cut. The sharper the blade the deeper the cut.
Thrusts – the tip of the blade goes through perforating the target. It can be done in a fast multiple sequence of attacks.
Attacks with the handle – it is possible to use the knife handle to hit the opponent.